Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator on Server 2008 R2 Core

To install Dells OpenManage Server Administrator on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Core, follow the instructions posted here;

Don't forget to open port 1311 Inbound and Outbound afterward! You can't manage the server on core due to the lack of browser. But you can connect remotely with the url:

Monday, August 16, 2010

cisco 1751 won't load startup config

Just another strange issue. Cisco 1751 wouldn't load startup config, no errors, just defaulted to an empty running config and kept prompting to run through the setup wizard.

turns out the configuration register was set to 0x142. After issuing the following commands:
config-register 0x2102

Reloaded and the router successfully picked up the startup config. I'm not sure how this register pointer was changed. It's fixed now!

Original source

Thursday, August 12, 2010

problems installing print drivers on server 2008 R2 core 64bit

I was trying to add HP T1120ps 64bit drivers to server 2008 R2 and kept getting the following error message;

Failed to add driver. Operation could not be completed (error 0×00000578)

Followed the steps that Mat listed here on his blog and was able to successfully add the driver!

I'm going to paste Mat's solution here to ensure it stays alive;

If you’ve ever tried installing a printer on Server Core 2008, chances are you’ve probably come across an error when using Print Management (printmanagement.msc) to remotely manage your Server Core install and add your printer. It looks like it’s going to work fine, but then just before it finishes, you get this…

Unable to install , Type 3 – User Mode, driver. Operation could not be completed (error 0x800f0247).

And then you might also get this…

Failed to add driver. Operation could not be completed (error 0×00000578).

When you try installing this same printer and driver on a GUI machine, it installs without any problems, so you can safely say it’s a Server Core issue.

As you’d expect, the first step would be to lookup the error code… So we have errors 0x800f0247 and 0×00000578.

Converting these codes from hexidecimal to decimal gives us errors 2148467271 and 1400 respectively. The first one is bogus, as it’s out of range, however error code 1400 translates as ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE.

The issue is the fact that Server Core isn’t handling the unsigned drivers by giving the Print Management console information to prompt the user to confirm the installation of the driver, hence the driver fails to install.

To get around this issue, we can pre-install the required drivers from the command line of the Server Core machine, by passing a call to the PrintUI.dll (which luckily is still used for the Server Core printing engine) – You could also theoretically use the prndrvr.vbs file which can be found in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-us however it seems that it also cannot handle the prompting of the unsigned driver installation either, and because it only passes calls through to PrintUI.dll anyway, we may as well use it directly.

So create a directory called C:\Temp and copy your printer driver folder to this location on your Server Core machine.

Then, from the command prompt of your Server Core machine, use the following syntax…

start /w rundll32 PrintUI.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /m “” /h “” /v 3 /f “

Here is a breakdown of the above command…

* The start /w command will hold the command prompt until the command has finished;
* rundll32 is the process we use to invoke PrintUI.dll;
* ,PrintUIEntry tells rundll32 that we want to use this entry point in PrintUI.dll;
* /ia tells the PrintUI.dll that we want to install a printer driver using an inf file;
* /K (must be capital!) allows us to specificy a numerical value for /v;
* /m is where you provide the name of the driver (in my case “Samsung CLX-3160 Series”) – You can get this by looking inside the inf file for your driver;
* /h is where you provide the architecture for the driver, as “Windows NT x86″ for 32-bit architecture, “x64″ for 64-bit architecture and “IA64″ for Itanium architecture;
* /v specifies that the driver is used for Windows XP or later
* /f is the location to the driver .inf file (which you should have copied to C:\Temp)

So for example, my command looked like this…

start /w rundll32 PrintUI.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /m “Samsung CLX-3160 Series” /h “Windows NT x86″ /v 3 /f “C:\Temp\Samsung CLX-3160 Series\driver\sugi1.inf”

After running this command, you get a red unsigned driver warning screen, which you can now accept to install the driver.

When you refresh the Drivers node in Print Management on your GUI machine, you’ll see your new driver listed. You can now go ahead and deploy your printer, however note that if you are running x64 of Server Core 2008 you’ll need to install the x64 driver before you can add the printer (otherwise you won’t be able to select your installed driver during the printer add process).

You can also delete the folders you copied in to C:\Temp now, because the drivers have been copied to their permanent location.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Outlook settings menu is using incorrect font

This has happened a few times in the past and I never was able to narrow down what font caused the problem until now! My previous post regarding Adobe Creative Suite and the missing font seems to be similar. Outlook uses the Tahoma font to display it's menus, GAL entries, etc. Adobe also requires the Tahoma font on Windows XP.

Reinstall the Tahoma and Tahoma Bold Fonts or manually add the font keys back to the registry. In my case the font existed in the c:\windows\fonts folder, just the registry entry was removed. go figure.

Solution 2:
To fix mass amounts of machines I created a Group Policy object and added the two registry keys in the Computer Configuration/Preferences/Windows Settings/Registry location. voila!

Adobe CS3 Crash on startup, Initializing Palettes

After about 6 hours of repairing, uninstalling, reinstalling, updating and no luck, I stumbled upon this adobe knowledge base article:

Creative Suite 3 application crashes during "Initializing palettes". (Windows)


Adobe CS3 requires a font to startup in Windows XP and Windows Vista. They are as follows:

* On Windows XP,Creative Suite 3 requires the Tahoma font.
* OnWindows Vista,Creative Suite 3requires the Segoe-UI font.

If only I had searched google for "initializing palettes" instead of the actual error message at crash point. go figure!

Friday, January 8, 2010

user profile reconnect

When we have to remove/readd a machine to the domain the local user gets a new profile. To "remarry" the old profile back to the new users guid, find a modify the path in the users entry listed here (in windows xp);

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList