Friday, January 18, 2013

Restricted users can only print blank pages

Problem: restricted users can only print blank pages. Both printing and print preview produce blank pages to local printers.

Solution: found here.

Firstly, the ‘Low’ folder mentioned above is needed as a temporary working folder for the HTML pages being generated and printed from IE. Start by bringing up a command prompt (run -> cmd), making sure you DO NOT run with elevated permissions (otherwise it will do this for your local admin account, which won’t help you). At the command prompt, run the following command:
mkdir %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low
This will create the necessary Low folder in the right place, which is almost certainly absent otherwise.
Other posts I read suggested this was enough, but it isn’t. The newly created ‘Low’ folder won’t work until you run a further command which sets the integrity level of this folder such that IE can use it (IE7 introduced a new protected mode, which you can read more about here: So at the same prompt, run the following command:
icacls %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low /setintegritylevel low
Having done this, restart IE, and you should find print preview and printing itself now works

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