Friday, May 20, 2016

Deploy EPOPS agent to all Windows servers using PSEXEC

Problem: VMware doesn't really give you an easy way to deploy out it's EPOPS agents. Not for free anyways.

Solution: Here's a method that worked really well for me. Grab pstools and extract to a folder, c:\temp sounds good. Right-click your CMD prompt and Run As, choose an account that has access to remotely connect to your servers.

psexec @serverlist.txt -c vRealize-Endpoint-Operations-Management-Agent-x86-64-win-6.2.1-3720494.exe -serverAddress vrops.domain.local -securePort 443 -username admin -password yourpass -serverCertificateThumbprint 03:51:F2:... /verysilent /dir="c:\ep-agent"

The serverlist.txt is a list of your servers you want to deploy to.

Modify this with your environment info. The Cert Thumbprint is copied from the admin web gui. It's pretty long so make sure copy the entire Thumbprint and include it in the command.

Psexec will copy the exe to the c:\windows\system folder on the remote system, execute the command then remove the exe file when it's done. Slick!

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